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Kobatek stick electrode for hardfacing applications

Diameters / Packaging

2.5KG TB
5.0KG TB
2.5x300MM 78332825
3.2x300MM 78332832
4.0x350MM 78332840


Kobatek 328 is basic covered, Ni-base and CrMoNb alloyed austenitic type electrode suitable for all position welding except vertical down.


It is especially ideal for joining and fillet welding of dissimilar metals, nickel alloys (Inconel 600, Incoloy 800, Hastelloy, Nichrome), up to 9% Ni-steels and copper alloys.


  • It can be used for multiple pass welding of very thick sections.
  • Kobatek 328 gives a fully austenitic crack free weld metal even under the dynamic stress.
  • It has high resistance against high working teperature (up to1200°C), oxidation, carburization, corrosion (general, intergranular, pitting and stress corrosions) and hot cracking.
  • The weld metal has good impact value at cryogenic (down to –196°C) conditions.
  • Because of its elongation value up to 45%, it can be used at high vibrated areas like vibrating screens.

Welding Positions

  • 1G/PA 2F/PB 2G/PC 4G/PE 3G/PF

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