It is especially ideal for joining and fillet welding of dissimilar metals, nickel alloys (Inconel 600, Incoloy 800, Hastelloy, Nichrome), up to 9% Ni-steels and copper alloys.
- It can be used for multiple pass welding of very thick sections.
- Kobatek 328 gives a fully austenitic crack free weld metal even under the dynamic stress.
- It has high resistance against high working teperature (up to1200°C), oxidation, carburization, corrosion (general, intergranular, pitting and stress corrosions) and hot cracking.
- The weld metal has good impact value at cryogenic (down to –196°C) conditions.
- Because of its elongation value up to 45%, it can be used at high vibrated areas like vibrating screens.
Welding Positions
- 1G/PA 2F/PB 2G/PC 4G/PE 3G/PF