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Diameters / Packaging

Carton box 12.3 KG (3 x 4.1 KG, approx. 210 pcs)
Carton box 12.6 KG (3 x 4.2 KG, approx. 330 pcs)
3.2x350 mm W100258362
4.0x350 mm W100258363


Stick (SMAW)

AWS A5.5 : E 9018-G H4
EN ISO 3580-A : E Z CrMoWCoVNb9 0.5 2 1 B42

Low Alloy, Chromium-Molybdenum Steels


CROMOCORD 92 is a basic coated 9% Cr ½% Mo W-V-Nb-N electrode suitable for welding creep resistant steels like X10CrMoWVNb9-2, SA387 Gr92 Cl1 and Cl2, SA 182 Gr F92, SA 335 Gr P92, SA 213 Gr T92 and similar.


  • The weld metal chemistry is low in impurity elements.
  • Suitable for long term use, up to +650°C.
  • Excellent operability in all position welding except downhill.
  • Stable arc with excellent bead shape and low spatter.
  • Efficiency about 120%.
  • Suitable for use with DC positive.

Welding Positions

  • All position, except vertical down

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