MIG wire coil BS300

Diameters / Packaging

15 KG SPOOL (BS300)
1.2 mm 583632

LNM Ni2.5


AWS A5.28 : ER80S-Ni2
EN ISO 14341-A : G46 6 M21 2Ni2

Solid wire for welding fine grained and low alloy nickel steels


Used for welding of 2%Ni steels when the weld metal toughness properties down to -90°C are required in the as welded conditions.


  • Ideal for low temperature applications.
  • Excellent mechanical characteristic both when welded and after stress relieving.
  • High impact value at low temperature (-60°C as welded and -90°C after stress relieving 15h/580°C)

Typical Applications

  • LNG
  • Cryogenic Applications

Shielding Gas

  • M21 : Mixed gas Ar+ 15-25% CO2

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