25kg coil subarc wire

Diameters / Packaging

16 KG Spool
25 KG Spool
80 KG Spool
90 KG Spool
250 KG Drum
1.6 mm W000282112
2.4 mm W000282117,W000401135
3.2 mm W000282119,W000401136 W000385476
4.0 mm W000380453 W000386904 W000380434


Submerged Arc Welding (SAW)

AWS 5.23 : F11A8–EC–F5

Seamless copper coated basic fluxcored wire for high strength steel application with Submerged arc welding


Fluxocord 42 is a seamless copper coated basic flux cored wire for submerged arc welding on high-strength fine-grain structural steels to be used in combination with OP 121TTW flux. The weld metal composition obtained with FLUXOCORD 42 / OP 121TTW meets the mechanical property requirements in both the as welded and stress relieved conditions of 690MPa high strength base material. This combination is widely used in the offshore industry on applications such as Chords to Racks and Chords to Chords welding.


  • Seamless copper coated fluxcored wire
  • Maintain high yield strength above 690MPa in both as welded and after stress relieved conditions
  • low diffusible hydrogen in combination with OP121TTW

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