The FCAW-G (Gas Shielded Flux-cored) Process

FCAW-G (Gas Shielded Flux Cored Welding) is a welding process where the primary alloy composition of the wire is contained within powder inside a folded or seamless sheath. Atmospheric protection needed to shield the welding pool comes a thin layer of slag formed during welding and shielding gas mixtures varying from 100% CO2 to various two-part mixtures of Argon-CO2, and even three part gas mixtures. Most wires in the classification run best on electrode positive and the process is most commonly associated with the ability to welding in all positions primarily thanks to external slag that forms during welding. This is an extremely flexible process used by home hobbyist but more commonly used in virtually every major industry where high deposition all position capability is of great importance and superior weld properties are needed.

Gas Shielded Flux-Cored Filler Metals


Heavy Duty Workhorse: Ultracore Flux Cored Wire

Ultracore gas shielded flux cored wires provide all position flexibility and smooth arc performance you would expect. Combined with the Flextec machine, LN25X feeder and Magnum gun.

Gas Shielded Flux-Cored

Gas Shielded Flux Cored Wire Welding Equipment

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All Position Seamless Wire for Industrial Applications

Select an appropriate seamless electrode for all position welding

UltraCore 360


Closed head and track based linear and orbital welding equipment for pipe and plate welding

Orbital Systems from Arc Products

When the part is too large or heavy to the present to the part, or a field environment does not allow for complex positioning equipment, orbital systems for pipe and tube can make a dramatic improvement in speed and quality over manual and semi-automatic welding. Our Arc Products equipment is engineered and built by Lincoln Electric and is fully integrated with our Power Wave power sources to provide multiple process capabilities including GTAW cold and hot wire, gas and self-shielded fluxcored and all MIG processes.

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