spool flux-cored wire saf-fro

Diameters / Packaging

15 KG SPOOL (BS300)
1.2 mm W000281782


Flux-Cored Gas-Shielded (FCAW-G)

AWS A5.22 : E309LT1-1/E309LT1-4
EN ISO 17633-A : T 23 12 L P M21 1/T 23 12 L P C1 1
EN ISO 17633-B : TS309L-FB1

High alloyed rutile flux cored wire with fast freezing slag for the welding of dissimilar joints, buffer layers or cladding.


The highest operating temperature for dissimilar joints is 300 °C. The weld metal is non-scaling up to 850 °C. Preheating and interpass temperatures should be calculated according to the base metal used. INOXCORED 309L V exhibits outstanding, almost spatter-free, welding properties and produces finely rippled flat and smooth welds which are free of undercut. Very easy slag removal. Due to its fast-freezing slag, INOXCORED 309L V is used for welding in the horizontal (PD), overhead (PE) and vertical-up (PF) positions. 


  • High alloyed rutile flux cored wire for positional welding of dissimilar joints, buffer layers or cladding.
  • INOXCORED 309LV exhibits outstanding, almost spatter-free, welding properties with very easy slag removal. Designed for welding in the horizontal (PD), overhead (PE) and vertical-up (PF) positions.
  • INOXCORED 309LV delivers welds with high corrosion resistance due to low carbon and balanced chemical composition.
  • The best quality of welds with standard CV power sources helps to reduce investment expenditures. Application of standard Ar/CO2 or CO2 shielding gases optimizes welding cost.
  • High productivity generates savings in total welding costs. Optimal semiautomatic process with high duty cycle.
  • Savings in total welding cost resulting from reduced cleaning. Spatter free welds with easy slag removal.

Welding Positions

  • All positions

Shielding Gas

  • M21 : Mixed gas Ar+ 15-25% CO2, C1 : Active gas 100% CO2

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