spool flux-cored wire oerlikon

Diameters / Packaging



Metal-Cored Gas-Shielded (GMAW-C)

AWS A5.18 : E70C-6M H4
EN ISO 17632-A : T 42 3 M M21 1 H5

CRISTAL F 206 is general purpose high deposition metal cored wire for welding of mild steel with reduced emission of welding fumes.


CRISTAL F 206 is a high deposition rate metal cored wire with very good impact properties at -30°C. Better tolerance of variable gap and surface conditions in relation to MAG process.


  • Reduced welders’ exposure to welding fumes
  • CRISTAL F 206 is a high deposition rate metal cored wire with very good impact properties at -30°C. Better tolerance of variable gap and surface conditions in relation to MAG process.
  • Good side wall wetting, regular bead profile, optimized amount of silicates and reduced spatters.
  • Bridging and root passing capabilities with short and pulsed arc.
  • Very good weldability with short, pulsed and spray arc. Suitable for robotic applications.

Welding Positions

  • All positions

Shielding Gas

  • M21 : Mixed gas Ar+ 15-25% CO2

Service Information