Dry Bag Oerlikon

Diameters / Packaging

FLUX W000280051


Submerged Arc Welding (SAW)

EN ISO 14174 : SA FB 1 55 AC H5

Fully basic agglomerated submerged-arc welding flux


OP 121TTW is a fully basic agglomerated submerged arc welding flux which is is recommended for applications requiring an extremely low concentration of phosphorus and sulphur in the weld metal, especially for high tensile steels and for joints requiring high toughness at sub-zero temperatures and resistance to ageing. OP 121TTW can also be used for the welding of structural and fine grained low alloy steels requiring high integrity welds with low temperature impact and CTOD fracture toughness properties. The flux is widely used for the welding of thick section components in the offshore, nuclear and pressure vessel industries. The weld is of an uniform even profile with regular fine ripple formation and smooth toe blending. OP 121TTW flux is suitable for use with DC+ or AC and is ideal for single wire, twin wire, tandem arc [DC+/AC] and other multi-arc systems using up to 1000A with single wire welding.


  • Highly basic flux for multiple passes applications
  • Very low impurity level in the weld deposit
  • Recommended with high strength wire grades and post weld heat treatment conditions
  • Very good CTOD properties of the weld metal

Special Features

  • Current type : AC/DC+, Basicity (Boniszewski) : 3.1, Grain size (EN ISO 14174) : 2-20, Redrying : 350°C x min. 2h

Service Information
