Dry Bag Oerlikon

Diameters / Packaging

FLUX W000280011

OP 191

Submerged Arc Welding (SAW)

EN ISO 14174 : SA AR 1 87 AC

Agglomerated rutile type flux for welding general structural steels.


OP 191 is an agglomerated rutile type flux for welding general structural steels. It is also used for welding fine-grain steels with a yield strength of up to 355 MPa. Relatively high silicon pick-up is achieved with this flux and when used in conjunction with OE-S1, OE-S2 wire electrodes manganese pick-up also results. OP 191 is particularly well-suited to twin-wire, tandem and multi-wire welding at high speeds. It can also be used with the two-run technique especially when weld thin-walled spiral tubes. The good slag detachability makes OP 191 a standard for fillet welding. OP 191 can be welded on DC+ or AC at up to 1500 A.


  • Active flux for limited amount of passes
  • A good choice for fillet welds and small diameter spiral pipes welding
  • Good slag detachability
  • Good weldability on rusty plate
  • Suitable for high welding speed applications

Special Features

  • Current type : AC/DC+, Basicity (Boniszewski) : 0.4, Grain size (EN ISO 14174) : 2-16, Redrying : 300-350°C x min. 2h

Service Information
