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DIGISTEEL 380C PRO compact mig welder


Inverter MIG/MAG and STICK compact welder - Three-phase 400V - Output current: 380A@40%


The DIGISTEEL COMPACTS RANGE is built on the latest SAF-FRO inverter platform, ensuring optimal MIG/MAG and MMA welding performance with excellent power and cost efficiency. The range consists of: 250A, 320A, 380A and 450A power sources with a choice of either the C panel (250C & 320C) or the C PRO panel (250C PRO, 320C PRO, 380C PRO & 450C PRO), that meet most customers' needs and covers a wide range of welding applications. The Plug&Play water cooler COOLARC® 26 is available for DIGISTEEL 380C PRO & 450C PRO. From now on all newly manufactured DIGISTEEL Compact machines are equipped with Lincoln Electric Premium MIG guns LINCGUN® PROMIG™ and offered as READY-PACKS. Water Cooled version available – PACK includes cooler installed and coolant!"+


  • Premium arc performance with repeatable arc ignition, excellent arc stabillity and rapid parameter adjustment.
  • MIG/MAG and STICK process.
  • Easy access to the most commonly used welding parameters.
  • Perfect feedability: optimized wire positioning, four driven rolls and inspection window.
  • Water cooled version available by adding the Plug & Play water cooler COOLARC® 26

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