cardboard box Lincoln

Diameters / Packaging

Carton box 10.2 KG (6 x 1.7 KG, approx. 900 pcs)
Carton box 12 KG (6 x 2 KG, approx. 540 pcs)
Carton box 12.6 KG (3 x 4.2 KG, approx. 360 pcs)
Carton box 16.5 KG (3 x 5.5 KG, approx. 243 pcs)
VPMD 12 KG (6 x 2 KG, approx. 540 pcs)
2.0x300 mm 529173-2
2.5x350 mm 529180-2 530001-2
3.2x350 mm 529487-2
4.0x450 mm 529593-2


Stick (SMAW) | 529593-2

AWS A5.4 : E316L-16
EN ISO 3581-A : E 19 12 3 L R 12

Stick electrode AROSTA® 316L - 4.0x450 mm - Carton box 16.5 KG (approx. 243 pcs)


AROSTA 316L is a basic coated MMA electrode for welding similar austenitic Cr-Ni-Mo steels or cast steels. Structural works with 316L stainless steels in all positions except vertical down. The weld metal has high ductility. Applications include wet-corrosive conditions for operating temperatures <350°C.


  • Molybdenum level min. 2.7 %
  • High resistance to general and intergranular corrosion
  • Smooth weld appearance
  • Easy slag release
  • Strong electrode coating

Service Information
