KRYO 1P is a 1Ni type low alloy basic coated electrode with a very low hydrogen content. This product has an excellent operator appeal due to the stable and concentrated arc making it well-suited for positional welding. For reliable, crack-free and tough welded joints in steels with a yield strength <500 MPa. The weld metal is of extremely high metallurgical purity, is ageing-resistant, retaining impact toughness to -60°C. KRYO 1P is suitable for welding prequalified procedures for steel group 8C according to AS/NZS 1554.1 Table 4.6.1.
- Designed to produce a 1% Ni deposit
- Complies with NACE MR0175 restrictions
- Excellent impact properties down to -60°C and CTOD data available at 10°C
- 110-120% recovery, weldable on AC and DC
- General fabrication of steels with low temperature requirements
- Available in Sahara Ready Pack (SRP)
Welding Positions
- All position, except vertical down