LINCOLN 7016DR is a basic, double-coated multi-purpose MMA electrode. The composition of the double coating confers exceptionally good welding characteristics and a highly stable and directional arc. Very good gap bridging and ideally suited for root passes and positional welding. The glassy slag is easily removed from the finely-rippled weld seams, the excellent welding characteristics and impact toughness to -30°C. This electrode may be used in prequalified welding procedures for steel groups 1 – 7C as defined in AS/NZS 1554.1 Table 4.6.1
- Double Coated Basic Electrode
- Very stable arc, insensitive to the effects of arc blow
- Good X-ray soundness and start/restart behaviour
- Exceptional wetting even at low amperages
- High penetration
- Ideal for pipe welding in both root pass and filling
- High flexibility for irregular gaps
Welding Positions
- All position, except vertical down