Flux-cored wire coil

Diameters / Packaging

1.2 mm 941941

Outershield® MC715Ni1-H

Metal-Cored Gas-Shielded (GMAW-C)

AS/NZS ISO 17632-A T 46 5 1Ni M M 2 H5
AS/NZS ISO 17632-B : T55 5 T15-1 M A N2 U H5

Low Alloy, Critical and low temperature service, Down-hand


OUTERSHIELD MC715Ni1-H is a 1%Ni type metal cored wire for application requiring high toughness at low temperatures and conformance to NACE MR0175. This wire may be used in prequalified welding procedures for steel group 8C as defined in AS/NZS 1554.1 Table 4.6.1. and provides excellent arc characteristics, virtually no spatter, possibility for high travel speed and excellent wire feeding.


  • 1% Ni alloyed weld metal deposit
  • Conforms to the requirements of NACE MR0175
  • Excellent arc characteristics provide outstanding operator appeal and mechanical properties down to -50°C

Typical Applications

  • Offshore
  • Steel construction

Welding Positions

  • All except vertical down

Shielding Gas

  • M21 : Mixed gas Ar+ 15-25% CO2, Gas flow : 15-25l/min