VPMD Packaging Lincoln

Diameters / Packaging

VPMD 11,4 KG (6 x 1,9 KG, approx. 240 pcs)
VPMD 11,4 KG (6 x 1,9 KG, approx. 540 pcs)
VPMD 12 KG (6 x 2 KG, approx. 348 pcs)
2.5x350 mm 299SR-25-2
3.2x350 mm 299SR-32-2
4.0x350 mm 299SR-40-2

29.9 SUPER R (Limarosta 312)


AWS A5.4 : E312-17
EN ISO 3581-A : E 29 9 R 1 2

Stick electrode 29.9 SUPER R (Limarosta 312) - 4.0x350 mm - VPMD 11.4 KG (approx. 240 pcs)


Stick electrode with acid rutile flux on matching 312 stainless steel core wire.


  • Rutile-basic high CrNi-alloyed all position electrode
  • Excellent for repair welding
  • Especially developed for steels difficult to weld, such as armour plates, austenitic Mn-steels and high C-steels
  • Excellent weldability and self releasing slag
  • Weldable on AC and DC+ polarity