cardboard box SAF-FRO

Diameters / Packaging

Carton box 12 KG (3 x 4 KG, approx. 528 pcs)
Carton box 16.5 KG (3 x 5.5 KG, approx. 159 pcs)
Carton box 16.5 KG (3 x 5.5 KG, approx. 243 pcs)
Carton box 16.5 KG (3 x 5.5 KG, approx. 354 pcs)
2.5x350 mm W000288561
3.2x450 mm W000380829
4.0x450 mm W000288564
5.0x450 mm W000288565


Stick (SMAW) | W000380829

AWS A5.5 : E8018-G H4
EN ISO 2560-A : E 50 6 Mn1Ni B 42 H5

Stick electrode NIBAZ 65 - 3.2x450 mm - Carton box 16.5 KG (approx. 354 pcs)


NIBAZ 65 is a low-alloyed basic coated MMA electrode with a very low hydrogen content. For reliable, crack-free and tough welded joints on steels with a yield strength <500 Mpa. The weld metal is of extremely high metallurgical purity, is ageing-resistant, retaining ISO-V toughness to -60°C. NIBAZ 65 is a heavy covered nickel alloy basic electrode designed for welding fine grained structural steels, with high yield strength, used at below – zero temperature down to -60°C. NIBAZ 65 deposits a metal with high toughness at low temperature and also with low content of diffusible hydrogen.


  • Stable arc; the slag is easy to remove
  • Very low hydrogen content- max.4ml/100g weld metal
  • Weld metal recovery: RE =113%.

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