specialalloys fcaw

Diameters / Packaging

15 KG SPOOL (S300)
1.2 mm SCF91-12

Supercore™ F91

Flux-Cored Gas-Shielded (FCAW-G) | SCF91-12

AWS A5.29 : E91T1-B9C/M-H4
AWS A5.36 : E91T1-C1PZ-B91-H4/ E91T1-M21PZ-B91-H4
EN ISO 17634-B : T 69T1-1M-9C1MV

Supercore™ F91 (0.047 in, 33 lb spool) is a gas-shielded flux-cored wire that features a rutile flux system with an alloyed strip capable of producing low hydrogen weld and meets AWS E91T1-B91 C/M-H4.


Supercore™ F91 is an all-positional flux-cored wire designed to weld equivalent modified 9CrMo steels (P91).


  • High deposition rates
  • Fast freezing slag for out of position welding
  • Features a rutile flux system with an alloyed strip capable of producing low hydrogen weld

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