Alliages inoxydables
Produits pour répondre aux exigences de processus de nombreuses applications de soudage en acier inoxydable et en alliage élevé.
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AWS Classification
Industry Segment Solution Type
Electrode Category
Welding Positions
Articles 151 - 162 de 162
Arosta® 309S
Stick Electrode (SMAW)
AWS A5.4: E 309L-16
Rutile-basic high CrNi alloyed buffer electrode.
TIG (GTAW) Cut Lengths
AWS A5.9: ER16-8-2
Solid wire for TIG welding of 300H stainless steel.
Lincoln® ER2594
TIG (GTAW) Cut Lengths
AWS ER2594
LINCOLN® ER2594 Tungsten Inert Gas Rod is a super-duplex grade electrode that provides matching chemistry and mechanical property characteristics to wrought super-duplex alloys such as 2507 and Zeron 100, as well as to super-duplex casting alloys (ATSM A890).