cardboard box oerlikon

Diameters / Packaging

Carton box 10.71 KG (3 x 3.57 KG, approx. 975 pcs)
Carton box 13.5 KG (3 x 4.5 KG, approx. 315 pcs)
Carton box 13.89 KG (3 x 4.63 KG, approx. 750 pcs)
Carton box 15.09 KG (3 x 5.03 KG, approx. 510 pcs)
2.0x300 mm W000258079
2.5x350 mm W000258080
3.2x350 mm W000258081
4.0x350 mm W000258083
Carton box 10.71 KG (3 x 3.57 KG, approx. 975 pcs)
Carton box 13.5 KG (3 x 4.5 KG, approx. 315 pcs)
Carton box 13.89 KG (3 x 4.63 KG, approx. 750 pcs)
Carton box 15.09 KG (3 x 5.03 KG, approx. 510 pcs)
2.0x300 mm W000258079
2.5x350 mm W000258080
3.2x350 mm W000258081
4.0x350 mm W000258083


Stick (SMAW) | W000258079

AWS A5.1 : E6013
EN ISO 2560-A : E 38 A R 11

Stick electrode CITOFIX - 2.0x300 mm - Carton box 10.71 KG (approx. 975 pcs)


CITOFIX is a rutile medium coated MMA electrode for a wide variety of mild steel fabrication applications. High performance general-performance rutile coated electrode for steelwork, workshop, shipbuilding and maintenance welding with easy operability


  • Suitable for welding on thin sheets.
  • Smooth welds, self-releasing slag and good gap-bridging
  • Very good weldability on AC and DC+ current.

Service Information