stick electrodes vacuum pack

Diameters / Packaging

Carton box 12.0 KG (3 x 4.0 KG, approx. 516 pcs)
Carton box 16.2 KG (3 x 5.4 KG, approx. 240 pcs)
Carton box 16.8 KG (3 x 5.6 KG, approx. 360 pcs)
Vacuum pack 12.0 KG (6 x 2.0 KG, approx. 516 pcs)
Vacuum pack 15.0 KG (6 x 2.5 KG, approx. 150 pcs)
Vacuum pack 15.0 KG (6 x 2.5 KG, approx. 222 pcs)
Vacuum pack 15.0 KG (6 x 2.5 KG, approx. 318 pcs)
2.5x350 mm 573536-2 573574-2
3.2x450 mm 573543-2 573581-2
4.0x450 mm 573550-2 573598-2
5.0x450 mm 573605-2


Stick (SMAW) | 573598-2

AWS A5.1 : E7018-1 H4R
EN ISO 2560-A : E 42 5 B 32 H5

Stick electrode CONARC® ONE - 4.0x450 mm - VPMD 15.0 KG (approx. 222 pcs)


CONARC ONE is a basic low hydrogen electrode especially suitable for fine grain structural steels having high yield strength. Designed for steel constructions and machines operating under dynamic forces at low temperatures, thanks to high resistance to hot cracking it is especially indicated for high restrained structures and high thickness.


  • Reliable impact toughness -40°C, good CTOD at -10°C
  • The off-shore electrode when Ni-alloying is not allowed
  • 115 - 120% recovery

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