specialalloys fcaw

Diameters / Packaging

15 KG SPOOL (S300)
1.2 mm SC1682P-12

Supercore™ 16.8.2P Flux-cored (FCAW-G) Wire

Flux-Cored Gas-Shielded (FCAW-G) | SC1682P-12

EN ISO 17633-B : TS16-8-2-F C1/M21 1*
*Nearest classification

SUPERCORE®16.8.2P Flux-Cored Gas Shielded Wire is designed for stainless steel alloy weld deposits on furnace parts, gas and steam turbine, petrochemical, chemical process plants and power generation applications.


SUPERCORE®16.8.2P Flux-Cored Gas Shielded Wire provides excellent weldability for the most demanding vertical and overhead welding applications, including fixed ASME pipework operations.

Service Information